Activate Your Chakras for Better Health

Black Range Black Range, Victoria, Australia

This weekend workshop is exactly the right mix of information about our seven main chakras to understand their influence over our health and well-being.We will focus on each Chakra individually including health problems associated with unbalanced Chakras, how to balance them, specific affirmations, mandalas, and more.Each Chakra will combine facilitated healing with meditations to help […]


Reiki Your Vision Board

Black Range Black Range, Victoria, Australia

Some of us know what we want in our future and exactly how to get it. Some of us feel stuck, not happy where we are, but not sure how to change our circumstances. Some of us have a dream, a vision, and just need a little help to make it a reality.Guided meditation and […]


Reiki Play Day

Black Range Black Range, Victoria, Australia

Attuned to Reiki and can’t get enough of it? Or maybe you were attuned a while ago and have lost some of the excitement and wonder you used to get from it?Come along to our Reiki Play Day and enjoy reiki shares, meditations, chanting, support to welcome reiki back into your life or to continue […]


One Day Reiki Retreat

Black Range Black Range, Victoria, Australia

The system of Reiki includes meditation, hands-on healing, precepts to live a more spiritual life, and more. Reiki treatments can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels, aids in physical recovery, and can take us deeper on a spiritual path. An opportunity to immerse yourself in Reiki for a day, with the addition of crystals […]


Create a Purposeful life By Activating Your Chakras

Black Range Black Range, Victoria, Australia

There is a lot of talk about manifestation. You could be forgiven for believing that by focusing your attention on something it miraculously manifests in your life. This can happen, but not without intention and putting in the work! This course helps us to get our chakra system in balance so that our energy system […]


Reiki Master Teacher Training

Black Range Black Range, Victoria, Australia

You might think that becoming a Reiki Master is the culmination of hard work and dedication, and yes, hard work and dedication are involved, but becoming a Reiki Master is not an ending. It is the beginning of your path to personal and spiritual development and enlightenment. Of course, you were already on this journey, […]
