A compliment a Day…..

It’s World Compliment Day.

A great reminder to give a compliment to a friend, partner, family member, client or a complete stranger!  Some tips to help you capitalise on your complimenting.

1. Compliments should be sincere

“So much of what we say gets communicated by your voice tone of voice and body language,” Our intuition is really important to Reiki and we use our intuition to know if what someone says is sincere or not.

2. Pay attention

Note the qualities that you appreciate about people and pay compliments when you see them displayed.

3. Be precise

There are many nice things that we can say to most people, but compliments that are  specific to the person shows that you have been paying attention.

4. Make it a Habit

Focusing on the positive helps us to lead a positive life.

6. Receive compliments with grace

Some people find it easier to give compliments than to receive them, if this is you, learn how to accept compliments graciously. A simple thank you is plenty.

And speaking of compliments, if you have received services from Heart Centred Reiki and you enjoyed them, a Facebook or Google Review would be a perfect compliment!