Practice won’t make perfect, but it will make you a better Reiki healer

One of the most important things for people to understand when they have finished a Heart Centred Reiki Class with us is the importance of daily practice. When our classes finish we provide 21 days of self-Reiki practice over ZOOM.

The 21 days idea is based on the belief that it takes 21 days to form a habit. We also have a practice day once a month where graduates of classes can come and practice Reiki on each other and deepen their understanding of the practice.

In recent times we have provided Reiki training to some people who do not live in the region and would not be able to attend practice sessions in Black Range very often. In response, we have introduced another monthly practice session – but online, rather than in person.

I get regular queries asking if I do online Reiki classes, I do not, (mostly because the attunement ceremony needs to be face to face and neither of Australia’s professional Reiki membership organisations allow their members to do training online, nor do they accept membership from people who have trained online.)

But, of course, there are online classes available, and some people will train that way, Others may have attended a personal class, but don’t have access to regular support or practice sessions. Practice and our support will help you to create a daily self-Reiki routine, essential to furthering your Reiki journey.

Heart Centred Subscriptions allow you to attend all practices without charge, include a mentoring session, a free distance Reiki and discounts on classes and workshops.

So, if you are newly attuned to Reiki and feeling a bit lost or would love to practice with some buddies, look into our subscription packages.